The matrix below endeavors to provide guidance as to the factors one should consider when looking towards on-premises or cloud deployments. Like everything else in IT, there are trade-offs, what is right for one organization may be totally inappropriate for another.
Scala是一门混合了函数式和面向对象的语言。用Scala创建多线程应用时,你会倾向于函数 式编程风格,用不变状态(immutable state)1编写无锁(lock-free)代码。
规范Git 提交日志内容及格式对说明代码内容和后记追溯问题有很多的帮助, 本文从工作中总结相关的经验成文,
Mac os upgrade and use Multi-java version solution : Switching between JDK 8 and 11 using SDKMAN!
在mac中用minikube搭建了一个k8s环境,但是每次拉取镜像都很慢甚至失败, 本文总结两种从本地私有镜像仓库拉取镜像的方法实践, 先将镜像在宿主机上翻墙拉取到本地, 再由minikube 虚机中的k8s 来拉取本地镜像, 这样即可解决之前的拉取镜像失败,也可提升拉取镜像的速度;
在mac上利用minikube 搭建k8s环境或多或少会因为pull镜像失败而搭建不成功, 本文介绍两种在mac上利用minikube 搭建k8s环境的方法; 一种是通过VPN翻墙利用官方minikube 搭建k8s 环境, 另外一种是借助阿里云的minikube版本来搭建k8s环境;
RabbitMQ is the most widely deployed open source message broker.
RabbitMQ is lightweight and easy to deploy on premises and in the cloud. It supports multiple messaging protocols. RabbitMQ can be deployed in distributed and federated configurations to meet high-scale, high-availability requirements.